You stroll through the park and an unfamiliar dog crosses your path. The dog starts to cry and gnaw, and then suddenly it jumps and attacks you. Your response in that split second may be the difference between whether you are walking unharmed or that you are overwhelmed by the dog. Maybe even the difference between life and death.
Why dogs attack
- Protect the area
Dogs are very protective of their territory. The dog will attack if you unconsciously enter its perceived area and the dog will think you may be in danger.
- The disease
Many diseases can increase aggression in dogs. Thyroid disease, brain tumor or rabies are just some of the diseases that can cause canine aggression.
- Determination of dominance
Often, aggression is a means of establishing dominance in the canine world. Dogs that exhibit this behavior feel responsible, and sniffing, snapping and biting are a way to show their dominance if they feel challenged. If your dog shows signs of aggression to determine his dominance, then he can bite, grasp, or collapse very well when you try to lift him off the furniture, grab his collar, restrain him, or fix him on a leash.
- Fear
Fear is another major cause of canine aggression. Usually dogs show aggression when they feel they are in danger, in which case aggression is taken for granted. This can happen if the dog is turned into a corner without any means of escape, or it may think that you have raised your hand to avoid becoming an animal. A frightened dog bites if it feels like there is no chance of escape, it is in danger of being bitten and the bite is the only way to protect yourself.
- Possession aggression
This type of aggression occurs when a dog takes control of a toy, bed, food or any other object. A dog displaying aggression will suffocate if he sees anyone approaching his food bowl or chewing on his toy. These dogs can bite strangers as they enter your home. However, the degree of aggression varies for each dog and object. A dog may not care if you are raising it and sitting next to it while it is chewing on a rubber toy, but it can stumble or snag when you do the same thing when it is playing with the toy it has.
- Barrier frustration
Aggression resulting from frustration is often referred to as “barrier frustration” or “directed frustration.” Such aggression occurs when a dog is unable to access something and becomes frustrated. This frustration manifests itself as aggression. As his frustration grows, he will grow, bake or suffer. This is often seen in dogs that spend the day tethered or leashed.
How To Deal With A Dog Attack
- Take control of the situation
Remember, most dogs are enslaved to humans. A strong verbal order, “Lie down,” “Go home,” or “Stop,” can instantly pause his attack, giving him time to retreat.
- Hold your position
Dogs have short attention spans. Often, after some barking, the dogs lose interest and disappear.
- Look for an improved weapon
It is likely that not much you can find in your pocket or carry will be very effective against a large dog. However, if you are lucky enough to find a thick branch or a nice fist-sized rock, you may be able to get your dog to stop attacking with a sufficiently strong head kick.
- Keep in a non-threatening situation
Standing sideways and holding it in the peripheral vision instead of making direct eye contact will show the dog that you are not in danger.
- Do not ring loud near the dog
Loud noises can make your dog think of a threat, so he can attack you.
- Keep your cool
Don’t panic and try to stay calm and think clearly. Look for a way out in any direction, including upwards if you can climb a tree or ladder. If there are no obvious ways to escape, then prepare to fight or defend. Finally, remember that you have a voice. Get help so everyone in your ear can help you.
- To resist
Remember, one of the most sensitive spots in a dog is its eyes. A quick burst in his eye seriously disorientes the dog, giving him more time to escape or defend himself.
If bitten, the last thing you want to do is fight or retreat as it can cause open, torn wounds. If you remain calm and protect your delicate body areas (such as ears, face and neck), the dog will only be able to pierce wounds in areas of thicker skin.