
My Dog Constipated – What Should I Do?


Like their owners, almost all dogs suffer from constipation periodically; some more than others. In most cases, simple precautions and home remedies are enough to make them easier. However, if the problem is no longer manageable, it can become serious, costly and potentially fatal.

Owners of medicated dogs, inactive, older and older dogs should pay extra attention when their dog seeks to remove animals. They are commonly known to be more prone to constipation.

Dogs with pizza are also prime candidates. Pizza is a disorder in which a dog usually eats inappropriate, usually indigestible, items. For example: bottle caps (metal or plastic), coins, balls, bolts, nails, rocks, strings, wood, concrete, clothing, pillow and toy fillings and toys. These elements can cause clogging, preventing their removal.

Forms of physical obstruction due to health problems include: tumors, polyps, and intestinal introversion. Intestinal intrepescence occurs when one part of the intestine telescopically moves to another compartment and causes obstruction. These are serious illnesses that require immediate veterinary attention!

Some medications can eliminate the problems. Know the side effects of all the medications your pet is given. If you are aware of the side effects, you may be able to avoid them.

Stress, thyroid problems, parasites, low fiber dog food, injuries, lack of exercise and dehydration are also on the list of possible sources of obstruction.


Untreated skin is a common cause not only of choking but also of blockage. Have your dog nice. Play Mr. Wizard, cut a piece, throw it in a glass of water overnight and watch it grow! Not only can a small piece of their intestine cause clogging, it can also cause their bowels to rupture.

Your dog probably says they need help. Observe for stretching by removing, vomiting, appearing drowsy, difficult to walk, removing mucus, secreting mucus, shaving, having dry, hard stools, crying, restless, showing weight loss or bloating, appearing to be / uncomfortable and / or not show interest in food. You and your dog may have a problem.

If the situation has not changed to a critical stage, several home remedies can help them at this painful time. Here are some verified suggestions:

Be ready. Should be handy with milk, canned pumpkin (other than pie filling), Mylanta Gas, GasX and Metamucil, bran or bran without sugar, chicken or beef broth, cannabis stool softener, canned wet food, olives or minerals oil. Some also recommend aloe vera juice.

Among the ways to help your dog are:

Water, water, everywhere! Have plenty of water bowls strategically placed around the house and yard. It is often enough to just find a new bowl of water somewhere to lure some licking.

Ice cubes! Most dogs love pieces of ice. It’s a good way to think they’re healing … and you know they’re hydrated.

Soften their food. Adding water or broth to dry food and allowing it to soften and swell in the bowl before feeding your dog often makes digestion and passage easier. It can also help prevent bloating.

Mylanta Gas, GasX, or Metamucil can help ease the discomfort before your dog actually becomes seriously impeded. Sprinkle or add a tablespoon of Metamucil on their food. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water after Metamucil!

One or two tablespoons of a simple canned pumpkin (not a pie filling) mixed in their food not only enhances your diet but is high in fiber! It can be used as a preventive measure or as a remedy.

They may be lubricated with a little olive oil, mineral oil or oil from tuna fish tins. You can even season them a little by adding tuna. It can inspire a dog who is not interested in eating to pick up a few nipples.

Canned salmon is high in Omega-3 oils. Add a little to dry food. Most dogs love fish!

Don’t forget the fruits and vegetables! Green beans, fresh or chilled, are high in fiber. Include a fist in their regular diet. Some dogs love carrots, watermelon, bananas and apples. A few small pieces can pleasantly incorporate the necessary fiber into your diet. Do not give them grapes or raisins!

Smaller portions, more feed. Instead of feeding your pet once or twice a day, feed it in the usual amount, but in smaller portions, every few hours.

For those fast-eaters who don’t chew and never mind their food, there are specially designed bowls with a large “ball” in the center. The dog needs to work around the ball so they not only inhale their food.

For larger dogs, about half a cup of milk can unscrew plumbing. The smaller guys should run a tablespoon or two. You can also add some bran or sugar, high in fiber, to your milk. What a special treat!

Some dog owners add a tablespoon or two of plain yogurt or cottage cheese to their daily diet to keep them regular. It also makes the food a little more appealing than simply sinking it into a bowl of dry food.

Exercise, exercise, exercise! If your dog is a swimmer, great! This is a great way to train your pet. If not, a few short walks a day can help with movement. It didn’t hurt you either! Three or four 20-minute walks spread throughout the day can help.

For older and older dogs, prepare food for them. They usually contain more fiber. Monitor the amount of grain. Look for low-grain dog food.

Puppies are sometimes helped by a warm, damp towel. They do not suffer from constipation very often, but if this happens, wet and warm the towel, place the puppy on his back and gently rub his belly from front to back. Usually it only takes a few beats. Their mum did this with her tongue while littering, to encourage urination and emptying.

Now for the serious stuff! If your dog suffers from constipation for more than two days, consult your veterinarian. They may be able to treat them with IVs, suppositories and / or enemies before it reaches a critical stage. Complications of constipation may include what is called megacolon. This is the advanced stage when stools are too hard and dry to pass. This will require surgery.

Constipation, also known as uncontrolled constipation, occurs when the blockage is so dangerous that neither gas nor feces can pass. Again, this will probably require surgery.

In general, dog owners should be aware of their normal dog defecation and habits. Not only does this turn off the early warning signal, it can also help you recognize when your dog is normal. Note: Diarrhea does not necessarily mean that the problem has been resolved. Free bowel movement can be squeezed out when clogged.

Bottom line: It’s always wiser to prevent a situation than having to deal with it. A few precautions can help prevent your dog’s discomfort and pain. The key is knowing when you can no longer help them; get them to the vet before it’s too late.

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